Sabtu, 20 November 2010



School Unit : SMPN 45 Jakarta
Subject : Mathematics
Grade/ Semester : VII/I
Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

A. Standard of Competence
1. Understanding the Properties of Arithmetic Operations and It Uses in Problem Solving

B. Basic Competence
1.1. Doing arithmetic operation on integers and fractions

C. The Purpose of Learning
Students are able to solve operations of integers and identify the characteristic of them.

D. Learning Material
- Integers
- Integers and its symbol

E. Learning Method/Learning Model
• Teaching and learning model : Collaborated Learning
• Method : Discussion and task assignment

F. Learning Activity
1. Opening
a. Through contextual teaching and learning (CTL.) approach, teacher guides the students get the definition of integers
b. Teacher corelated the subject matters that will he learned to the students Prior knowledge.They asking some question such as:
1. What numbers are included in the set of natural numbers?
2. What numbers are included in the set of positive integers?
3. What numbers are less than zero?
4. Could you give some example of the use from negative numbers?
c. Teacher informs the indicators of learning achievement
2. Main Activities
• The teacher divides students in to groups of 4 — 5 persons. If this is not possible teacher makes a couple/ pair in one seat
• Students do problems in groups and teachaer gives motivation to them. Make the students answer the question freely using their ways
• Some groups present their anwers in front of, and the others groups give comments to their presentation. The teacher leads discussion and appreciates the student., opinions
3. Closing
• The students nuke conclusion
• Teatcher gives sortie questions to asses student's understanding of the topics and gives feedback to students' answers
• Teacher gives home work

G. Learning Sources
1. Student hook
2. Student worksheets

H. Assessment




Types of Instrument

The Models of Instruments


- Give the examples of integers

- Classifying the kinds of integers

- Showing the uses of integers in daily life

- Determine the place of integers on number line

- Determine the place of integers on coordinate Cartesian

Written test


Short Answer test

Write down integers that between -3 and 10

Place -1, 0 and 3 in this number line

Determine the coordinate of A

Acquired Score

Final Score = -------------------------- x Ideal Score = ...............

Jakarta, July 2010

The Principal of SMPN 45 Jakarta

Mathematics Teacher

Dra.Hj.Sri Astuti, MM

Agus Rinto, S.Pd

NIP 130 609 700

NIP 132 172 315

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